Operating Procedures Workspace

In Engineering mode, when you select an operating procedure in System Browser, a workspace displays where you can configure the settings, filters, and steps for that procedure.

General Settings of an Operating Procedure

When you configure an operating procedure, the General Settings expander lets you specify the general parameters of an operating procedure.



Value indicating the precedence of the operating procedure, where 0 denotes the highest priority. If an event occurs that matches the filters of more than one procedure, the one with the highest priority gets executed. The priority is defined when the procedure is created. The system does not allow two procedures to have the same priority. You can modify this value also from the operating procedure list (see Main Operating Procedures Folder Workspace).


Steps Execution Type

Specifies whether the procedure steps have to be executed in order:


Force manual close


On new occurrence/If happens after

Specifies what happens if the triggering alarm occurs again (recurring event):


Keep primary event



Text field where you can enter comments or remarks.


Filters of an Operating Procedure

You use filters to configure when and for what combination of event conditions an operating procedure will be triggered.


When you configure an operating procedure, the Filters expander lets you set the following:

An AND logic is applied between the filters: time-dependent and events conditions must both be asserted (true) for the operating procedure to be triggered.

If an event occurs, which triggers more than one operating procedure, the one with the higher priority will start in assisted treatment.


Steps of an Operating Procedure

When you configure an operating procedure, the Steps expander displays the list of steps of the currently selected operating procedure and lets you modify some aspects of the steps execution. For more details, see General Settings of a Procedure Step.