OPC DA Library

Headquarter OPC Library

The Headquarter OPC Library (Global_OPC_HQ_1) contains the default set of data type definitions and related object models supported by the current version of Desigo CC and is available at the following path: System Settings > Libraries > L1-Headquarter > Global > OPC. This library lets you interact with OPC objects without any changes to the configuration.



Only Headquarter experts and Customer Support are authorized to modify the OPC library at L1-Headquarter level.
Depending on their allowed customization level, authorized experts can configure an OPC library at L2-Region, L3-Country, or L4-Project level.

OPC Library Customization

The Headquarter OPC Library (L1-Headquarter) can be customized to a lower level (L2-Region, L3-Country, or L4-Project). Customizing a standard library, means creating the library structure that will contain object models and any other relevant data (icons, text groups, symbols, and so on). See Customizing an OPC DA Library.

New OPC Library

To set up a new OPC library with a specific object modeling, you must manually create it, and specify any required object models (see OPC Object Models and Create an OPC Object Model Configuration file (CSV)).



Any new OPC library (L2-Region, L3-Country, or L4-Project level) exists together with the standard OPC library (L1-Headquarter level), and does not overwrite its data.

Only the OPC Data Types previously defined—contained in the default OPC Library or subsequently created with a CSV file import—can be used for the OPC configuration data to import.