Search Functions

The following functions allow searching for objects or physical points in Desigo CC, based on a set of filters. These methods can be run synchronously or asynchronously, and in the last case, it is necessary to provide a callback method that will be executed when the search is completed.


The searchSync method allows searching synchronously for BrowserObjects in Desigo CC by using a filter.


The searchPointsSync method allows searching synchronously for Points in Desigo CC by using a filter.


The search method allows searching asynchronously for BrowserObjects in Desigo CC by using a filter. The result of this method is provided in the specified <callback>.


The searchPoints method allows searching asynchronously for Points in Desigo CC by using a filter. The result of this method is provided in the specified <callback>.


It is possible to create a search for specific objects or points in Desigo CC. See the following syntax:


(Synchronous search)

var browserObjects = searchSync(<filter>);


var points = searchPointsSync(<filter>);


(Asynchronous search. The result is provided in the callback method)

search(<filter>, <callback>);


searchPoints(<filter>, <callback>);

Parameter Usage










Object that specifies which filters are the ones to apply in the search.




Mandatory for asynchronous call

Object that identifies the callback function invoked to provide the result of the operation.

The callback function is declared as follows, for example:

function callback(browserObjects) {}

    //... Do callback stuff here ...





function callback(points) {}

    //... Do callback stuff here ...



Error Handling

Errors can occur in case:

Examples of Use


How to get all the objects that match a filter

search(filter, callback);


function callback (results)


    // operate on results



The objects are passed by the callback function.


How to get all the objects in the current system

var allObjects = searchSync(new Filter());


How to get all the objects in Application Viewof the current system

var filter = new Filter(0, "System1.ApplicationView:ApplicationView");

var applicationViewObjects = searchSync(filter);


How to get all the Organization Mode objects. Read the property Value and set it to 1. Then, subscribe to any the changes of value of these objects

//Get all the GmsOrganizationMode objects

var filter = new Filter();

filter.objectModel = "GmsOrganizationMode";

var organizationModes = searchSync(filter);

if (organizationModes == null || organizationModes.length == 0) {

console("No objects found");



console("GmsOrganizationMode objects count = {0}", organizationModes.length);

//For each organization mode, get its current value, set the new value to 1, read the new value

for(var i = 0; i < organizationModes.length; i++) {

var organizationMode = organizationModes[i];

//Read the current value and check the result

var currentValue = read(organizationMode, "Value");

if (currentValue.error) {

console("\t[{0}]: {1}. Error reading Value", i, organizationMode, currentValue.Error);



//Set the new value to 1 and check the result

var result = executePropertyCommand(organizationMode, "Value", "Write", 1)

if (result.error) {

console("\t[{0}]: {1}. Error executing command: {2}", i, organizationMode, result.Error);




//Subscribe to any change of value of all the organization modes and print it

var onOrganizationModeChange = function (object, values) {

console("Object = {0}. Value = {1}", object, values["Value"].Value);


var subscription = subscribeValues(organizationModes, "Value", onOrganizationModeChange, true, true);



How to get the objects of the current system based on certain object models by searching in all the system views. Then print the value of a specific property of the resulting set (in this example, lastExecutionStatus).

//Get all the Macros, Reaction and Scripts objects

var filter = new Filter


filter.objectModel = ["GmsMacro", "GMS_Script", "GmsReaction"];

var logicsObjects = searchSync(filter);

if (logicsObjects == null || logicsObjects.length == 0) {

    console("No Macro, Reaction or Script objects found");



console("Logics objects count = {0}", logicsObjects.length);

//For each element returned by the searchSync (macro, reaction or script), read and print its Last Execution Status

for(var i = 0; i < logicsObjects.length; i++) {

    var logicsObj = logicsObjects[i];

    var lastExecutionStatus = read(logicsObj, "LastExecutionStatus");

    console("\t[{0}]: {1}. LastExecutionStatus = {2}", i, logicsObj, lastExecutionStatus);



How to check properties for a point

Step 1 - Define one function to print to Console the properties of a point and one function to print to Console the attributes:

function printPointProperties(point) {

    if (point.error) {

        console("Error: " + point.error);



    console("Alias: " + point.alias);


    console("Browser objects:");


    console("PointId: " + point.pointId);

    console("SystemId: " + point.systemId);


function printAttributes(attributes)



    "DefaultProperty: " + attributes.defaultProperty +

    "\nDisciplineDescriptor: " + attributes.disciplineDescriptor +

    "\nDisciplineId: " + attributes.disciplineId +

    "\nFunctionName: " + attributes.functionName +

    "\nObjectModel: " + attributes.objectModel +

    "\nSubDisciplineDescriptor: " + attributes.subDisciplineDescriptor +

    "\nSubDisciplineId: " + attributes.subDisciplineId +

    "\nSubTypeDescriptor: " + attributes.subTypeDescriptor +

    "\nSubTypeId: " + attributes.subTypeId +

    "\nTypeDescriptor: " + attributes.typeDescriptor +

    "\nTypeId: " + attributes.typeId);



Step 2 - Create a browserObject and pass its point to the printPointProperties function:

var point = new




How to use the searchPointSync method

var filter = new Filter();

filter.objectModel = "GMS_Script";

var result = searchPointsSync(filter);



How to use the searchPoint method

var filter = new Filter();


searchPoints(filter, function(result) {




How to use the read method with a Point object

var filter = new Filter();


var result = searchPointsSync(filter);

result.forEach(function(point) {

    var readResult = read(point, "Version");

