Mobile App Credentials Reference

Full Sign-In Credentials

The first time you start the mobile app, or if you or were logged out, a Sign In screen displays. Here you must enter:

To troubleshoot sign-in problems see Mobile App Login Errors.

After you sign in, the mobile app keeps you signed in and connected to the Desigo CC server. You can manually log out at any time. In some situations you may also be automatically logged out. For details see Mobile App Auto-Logout With Local Notifications.

PIN Code

The mobile app uses a security PIN code to protect against unauthorized access:

You are prompted to set a PIN code whenever you sign in with full credentials. You can also change the PIN code at any time from the Settings menu inside the app.

NOTE: The PIN code can contain only numbers; a minimum of 6 digits, and a maximum of 20 digits.

Sequence with Full Credentials
Sequence with Full Credentials