[Example] Changing the Text Group of an Organization Mode

Scenario: By default, the On and Off organization mode has two possible values (On/Off). You now want to modify it so that it has three possible values: On/Off/Standby.

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  2. A custom text group (called TxG_OnOffStandby) with the values 0=Off, 1=Off, 2=Standby was created in the libraries. For instructions, see [Example] Creating a Custom Text Group for Organization Modes in the Libraries.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  2. Select Project > System Settings > Organization Modes > On and Off.
  3. The Object Configurator tab displays.
  4. In the Properties expander, select the Value property.
  5. (Optional) In the Details expander, select the Valid check box until it has a black (not blue) check mark inside it.
  6. From the Text group drop-down list, select the TxG_OnOffStandby text group to assign it to this organization mode.
  7. Since the new text group has 3 possible values, rather than 2, in the Details expander, adjust the max value to 3.
  8. Click Save .
  1. When you select the On and Off organization mode, you can verify in the Extended Operation tab that it now has three possible values: On, Off, Standby.