Working with Legends, Titles, and Gauge Values
The following style parameters allow you to keep the chart components flexible. When you resize a D3 visualization dashboard page, the legend, title, and in the case of a gauge, the value parameters, retain their position with the widget accordingly.
- legend-visible – To display the legend with the control, type True, otherwise, type False, to not display a legend.
- legend-position – To determine a position for the legend in relation to the control, type one of the following: Left, Right, Top, Bottom. The default value is Right.
NOTE: Line and multi-trend series charts only support Top or Bottom. - title-visible – To display a title with the control, type True, otherwise, type False and the title will not display.
- title-position – To determine the position for the legend in relation to the control, type one of the following: Left, Right, Top, Bottom. The default value is Right.
- value-position (Gauge Only) To determine the position for the legend in relation to the control, type one of the following: Left, Right, Top, Bottom. The default value is Right.
- value-visible (Gauge Only) To display a title with the control, type True, otherwise, type False and the title will not display.