Trend Series Charts

D3 Visualization dashboard charts display values that allow you to zoom in/out in order to see specific data. Additionally, dynamic updates to a D3 chart can be paused or stopped allowing you to to navigate to or zoom into a specific time.

Complete the following procedures as needed:


Pause, Refresh, and Restart Dynamic Updates

In the upper-right corner of the trend series chart, you can pause, stop, and start dynamic updates.

  1. To pause or stop the dynamic updates, click .
  2. Data retrieval is stopped. A vertical line displays on the chart and based on its position information about the point values on the x and y axis display. The bullet points are color-coded and match the corresponding chart lines.
  3. Move the vertical line on the chart to view different information about the point values.
  4. The information about the point values are updated and display as you move the vertical line.
  5. To refresh the chart, click .
  6. COVs that have been generating during the pause are retrieved, and the chart is updated. Dynamic updates are still paused.
  7. To restart dynamic updates, click .
  1. Dynamic updates are started once again.


Hide and Display Trend Lines

  1. To hide a data point value from a trend series chart, in the Legend, click the data point name.
  2. The corresponding trend line is hidden from the chart, as well as from the information section if dynamic updating was paused.
  3. To display a hidden data point trend line, click the corresponding grayed out text in the Legend.
  1. The data point trend line is visible in the chart, and its data displays in the information section.


Zoom in a Chart

Zooming allows for static and dynamic updates within a D3 chart. You can zoom in/out on a chart’s data or you can zoom in/out and retrieve new data as you adjust your view.

NOTE: Zooming is not supported when the chart is in dynamic update mode.

  1. If the chart is in dynamic mode, click to pause dynamic updating.
  2. Do one of the following depending on whether or not you want to zoom in on existing data or retrieve new data as you zoom.