Node Map

This section discusses the tasks you can perform from the Node Map. For background information, see the reference section.

Expand/Collapse a Group of Panels

  1. In the Node Map, double-click a collapsed group to expand it.
  2. The panels that belong to the group display in the Node Map. They are represented by slightly smaller nodes that display next to the group node within a dashed-line frame.
  3. Double-click the group again to collapse it.
  4. The panels that belong to the group disappear from the Node Map.

Show Properties and Commands of a Panel

  1. In the Node Map, double-click a panel.
  2. The panel is selected in System Browser, and properties and commands display in the Contextual pane.
  3. Select the Extended Operation tab to access the extended set of control commands.

Filter Panels by Name

  • In the Search by description field of the Node Map, enter any part of the panel description you want to display.
  1. The Node Map view is updated and only displays the nodes whose description contains the text you entered.

Sort Panels by Alarm Status

  • In the Node Map, click Sort by Alarm Status .
  1. The Node Map view is updated and sort the nodes according to the severity and acknowledge status of pending alarms.
    NOTE: Click Sort by Alarm Status again to sort the node alphabetically (default).

Filter Event List from the Node Map

Display Filtered Event List

  1. Select one or more panels in the Node Map.
  2. Click Enable Event List interactions to display Event List and filter it according to the Node Map selection.

Hide Filtered Event List

  1. Click Disable event list interactions to remove the Node Map filter.
  2. In the Summary bar, click Close Event List .

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