Trends Workspace

Trends are divided into the following main elements:

Trends Workspace





System Browser

Displays available Trendlog objects, as well as created Trend Views.



Displays buttons for commonly used commands (New, Save, Print, zoom).


Compare view

Allows you to compare measured values from the same Trend View.


Trend View

The range which can be displayed and processed for online and offline trend data in chart form. These Trend Views are saved independently of the trend data.



Displays information on data points that are displayed graphically in the Trend View.


System Browser

The following nodes display in the Trends folder in the System Browser:


Trends Toolbar

The Trends toolbar allows you to perform the following operations:




Edit Trend

Toggles between the Edit Trend mode and the View Trend mode.

Start Creation

Starts creating the trend logs depending on the configuration specified in the Edit Trend mode.

New Trend

New Folder

Opens a new Trend View.

Creates a new folder.


Deletes the current Trend View.


Saves the current Trend View.
NOTE: This command is not available until you modify the current Trend View.

Save As

Saves the Trend View under a new name.

Save as user default

Saves the Trend View definition as a new user default.


Opens the properties dialog box for chart, axes, legends, and series.


Stops trend logging.


Starts trend logging.


Refreshes the Trend View.

Compare view

Opens the same Trend View a second time.
NOTE: In order to enable this button, you must hide the Trend View properties and stop the Trend View.


Allows you select a time range in the currently selected Trend View by effectively zooming in on the X-axis and Y-axis.

Time bar

Shows/hides the time bar.

Table view

Switches from graphical Trend View to a table view.
NOTE: In order to enable this button, you must stop the Trend View.


Exports the Trend View Definition and saves it in a CSV file format.
When you use Export in the table view, the exported data range depends on the time setting in the graphical view.
Interpolated values are not exported to an export file


Prints the Trend View.

Show legend / Hide legend

Shows/Hides the legend. This button is disabled when you display the trend in the table view.

Chart Properties


Axis Properties

Allows you to specify the settings for the X and Y axis.

Each chart can display a left and right Y-axis independent of each other. Series can be selectively assigned and scaled to either axis, by default or manually. Scaling is set to automatic by default.
This means that the range is defined by the highest amplitude of all displayed series, with analog data types attached to the left axis and digital data types to the right axis.
When a single Trend View contains several digital data types, these are shown one above the other with an offset.


Automatic/manual scaling properties act on both main and comparative view.
Automatic scaling is temporarily disabled when switching to Zoom mode.


Legend Properties

The position can be left, right, above, or below the Trend View. Under a comparison view, the legend always displays on the right.


Series Properties

Series properties allow you to define the individual series for the corresponding properties in Trend View.

Line Properties

Line type

Line style

Stroke color

Stroke thickness


Marker style

Marker thickness



You can assign a color to the Trend View (background color) or to each individual series (line). You can choose between:

Colors Workspace




Select from predefined colors.


Select with mouse.


Directly enter each color code.


Selected color.


Enter a color code.


Select pattern.


Select an existing color pattern on the screen.


Confirm changes.


Discard changes.

Time Bar Scrollbar

The Time bar consists of a vertical bar and a time/date field. The time bar can be dragged anywhere on the time axis. The data legend below the Trend View shows the value for a point.
The most recent value with information related to the point, date/time, quality displays at the intersection of the time bar and the graph representing the point.


Compare View

The Compare View allows you to compare and analyze the data of trended objects over a period of time.
The Trend View below the first view is the current Trend View that serves as the basis for the first view which is the compare view.
Any changes to the time range in the current Trend View are reflected in the comparative Trend View.
You can link the same or another Trend View for data analysis that applies the same X-axis for the time range to both Trend Views.
Using the pre-defined time ranges present in the comparative Trend View, you can select the time range for which you want to display the data in the comparative view.

In order to view the trend data in a compare view, you must stop the Trend View and hide its properties.




Current Trend View


Compare View


Time bar with time displayed in the compare view


No offset


Predefined offset buttons


Freely definable offset range (range, unit)


1x forward or 1x back for the selected offset range


Freely definable offset range in hours, days, weeks, years


Data Point Key

Same Trend View

This type of comparison is especially useful when analyzing the data for individual components, such as a room temperature for a room.
The time offset allows you to easily check how the corresponding measured value behaves at the same time of day.


The legend displays the last left measured value in the time bar.
In the legend, the displayed value is not displayed based on the intersection of the time bar and trend curve. Instead, the time/date display is based on the time bar position.


Trend View

The Trend View consists of a chart area where series are viewed and manipulated.
All the main elements such as the axes, scaling, titles, and colors can be configured in Trend View properties (by taking over defaults or changing the current Trend View).

Trend View




Displays the title of the current Trend View.

2, 11

Displays and highlights the selected trend curve in Trend View.
NOTE: To display a change of value on a binary value, an additional dotted zero line displays at State 1 or One.

3, 12

Displays unselected trend curves as collapsed curves.


Displays the time bar. The time bar can be dragged anywhere on the time axis. The data legend at the bottom of the Trend View displays the value or state valid at the point where the bar intersects with the series. When the time bar is hidden, the legend displays the last correct value for the Trend View.


Displays the present measured value for the series at the cursor. The current measured value in a graphic curve is displayed by moving the mouse pointer to the desired position. The precise measured points can be better displayed by enabling the marker for the series.


Displays the Y-axis with the appropriate scaling. Each chart can display a left and right Y-axis independent of each other. Data series can be selectively assigned and scaled to either axis (by default or manually).


Legend header.


Online: Current value from the automation station.
Offline Trend: The values are displayed as a function of the time bar [3].


Displays time or date range display across the entire selected display range.


Displays time range scrollbar.


Displays time and/or date display for the grid.


Displays time range display between grid sections.


The legend for the series contains information on the given data point in the Trend View. When you launch the Trends application, the legend displays at the bottom by default.

You can resize the legend using the horizontal splitter. The option to resize is available only if the legend is positioned at the top or bottom.
On selecting a new Trend View, the legend retains its size depending on the last resize.

Data Point Key



Series source. Indicates if the displayed data is recorded by the management station data (online ) or a field device (offline ).

Trended Object

Displays the object names for the Trendlog object.

Trended Property

Displays the trended property name for the object.


Displays the alias name for the object.


Physical unit for the data point.


Displays the last displayed current value (unless the time bar is in use. In this case, the value is displayed at the intersection).


Displays the time for the most recent value (unless the time bar is used; in this case, the value is displayed at the intersection).


Displays the date for the most recent value (unless the time bar is used; in this case, the value is displayed at the intersection).


When this symbol displays, not all values for this series are displayed in the Trend View (dependent on the displayed time period).


Indicates the Y-axis where the point is scaled.


Removes the selected trend value from the Trend View.


Temporarily shows/hides the trend curve in the Trend View.

System Name

Displays the system name of the trended object. The system name enables you to identify the origin of the trended objects in a distributed environment.

Reduced Display :

Displays a maximum of two values per interval. The interval is calculated based on the set sample rate for the Trend View (Trend Chart Properties).

A reduced display can also occur with just a few values, for example, when the values are recorded within a short interval. With the reduced display, minimum and maximum values always display.


Quality Attributes

The Trend View can display a number of state attributes, referred to as quality attributes, along with the trend data.
These enable you to identify problems with the data point being recorded, and assist with the diagnosis of plant conditions.
With the reduced display, not all quality attributes can be displayed. In order to display all quality attributes, limit the time period.
Only the highest priority displays in the Trend View if several states are active.
The priority sequence in the previous quality attributes table is read in descending order (highest to lowest priority). The following table describes these quality attributes:

Quality Attributes



Status and Description



No connection : Indicates that no connection exists to the logged data point.



Connected : Indicates that the connection exists to the data point.


Error : Indicates an error in the Trendlog object.



Trend disabled : Indicates that the Trendlog object is disabled. Text display for the last known value.



Trend enabled : Indicates that the Trendlog object is enabled.


Buffer deleted: Indicates that the buffer in the Trendlog object is deleted.


Buffer full : Indicates that the Trendlog buffer is full.


Time change : Indicates that the time in the automation station was changed (displayed in table only).


Power fail : Indicates that the automation station has been set to state Log_interrupted in the trend buffer (for example: in the event of a power outage, application program stop, change of data point log type). This may cause trend data from not being logged.



Out of Service switched on : Indicates that the Out of Service property is switched on.



Out of Service is normal: Indicates that the Out of Service property is switched off.



Trendlog object error : Indicates that a data point error exists in the Trendlog object (values may not be usable for follow-on evaluation).



Return from Trendlog error : Indicates that the data point error returns to the normal state.



In alarm state : Indicates that the data point is in the alarm state.



Return from the alarm state : Indicates that the data point has returned from the alarm state.



Into override (module) : Indicates that the data point on a module is overridden.



Return from overridden (module) : Indicates that the data point's override on the module is removed.



Quality attributes can only be evaluated if this function supports the corresponding subsystem. An alarm setup on the management station does not possess quality attributes. Therefore, an alarm cannot display an alarm bell in the Trend View.


Table View

The table view offers a view that differs from the standard view where curves are displayed as series. Each series displays as a column in the data grid. The first column (right) shows the time stamp.
The column displays by merging all time stamps for all values in each series. It is displayed at an accuracy of 1 second.
In order to view the trend data in a table view, you must stop the Trend View.

Values are displayed as per value scaled units (if configured). For more information, see Value Scale Units in Setting How Property Values Display.




Timestamp for measurement.


Sorts values by ascending or descending timestamp.


Displays the trended object along with the property and alias of the object. It also displays the corresponding color of the trended object in the graphical view.


Displays the values in a reduced manner and with a red background if a long time frame is selected in the Trend View.


Displays the quality attribute with measured value, except Normal.


Displays interpolated values when this function is active.
NOTE: The priority is displayed in the table if a subsystem supports information on BACnet write priority (1‒16).


Shows/hides the interpolated values.

There are two display types in table view:


The table view only shows values as per the graphical time range. These values are exported during data export.


Edit Trend Mode

The Edit Trend mode provides options to operate on multiple BACnet trend log objects in a single click.
If you have to create, modify, or delete multiple BACnet trend log objects, then performing this procedure on individual objects requires a huge engineering effort.
Therefore, in order to overcome this difficulty, there are options provided in the Edit Trend mode that enable you to create, modify, and delete the multiple BACnet trend log objects in a single click.
In this mode, you can only work with BACnet points and BACnet trend log objects.

You must have the Configure application right on the Trends application and BACnet Configurator to be able to work with the Edit Trend mode.

When you are in the Edit Trend mode, only the Edit Trend and New buttons are available.

The Edit Trend mode allows you to perform the following tasks:

Create Trend

Modify Trend

Delete Trend

Change Property


Trendlog Name

Logging Type

Log Interval

Buffer Size
