Moving a Graphics Page

Existing graphics pages can be adapted to a new environment in the event of changes to the graphics structure as follows:


Graphics pages can be moved only within Desigo CC. Dragging using Windows Explorer results in inconsistencies and may destroy the graphic project.


Using Save As

For a changed project structure, you can save existing graphics pages to the new project structure using Save As.

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  2. Select Applications > Graphics > [Building A] > [graphics page old].
  3. Click Save As .
  4. A Save Object As dialog box appears.
  5. Select Applications > Graphics > [Folder 1].
  6. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the new graphics page.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Select Applications > Graphics > [Building A] > [graphics page old].
  9. Click Drop .
  1. The graphics page is added to the new Desigo CC folder structure and the old graphics page is deleted.

Object links are not automatically modified if they are dependent on the tree structure (for example, going from one graphics page to the next one). In this case, the corresponding object links must be re-referenced.


In the Application View

For a changed project structure, you can reposition existing graphics pages by simply moving them to the new project structure.

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Application View.
  2. Select the top node Applications.
  3. The Views, Localization and Object Configurator tabs display.
  4. Select the Views tab.
  5. In Views, select Applications > Graphics > [Building A] > [graphics page].
  6. Click Cut.
  7. Move the cursor to the new folder and click Paste.
  1. The graphics page is added to the new Desigo CC folder structure.
    NOTE: In the project view of Windows Explorer, the pages are not moved and cannot be manually moved.

Object links are not automatically modified if they are dependent on the tree structure (for example, going from one graphics page to the next one). In this case, the corresponding object links must be re-referenced.