Event Settings Workspace

Event settings rules are located under Project > System Settings > Client Settings > Event Settings in the Management View of System Browser.


In Engineering mode, when you select the main Event Settings folder or a rule under it, the Event Settings tab displays.

General Settings of an Event Settings Rule

When you configure an event settings rule, the General Settings expander lets you specify the automated actions that will happen when this rule applies.


Priority. If an event occurs that matches the filter of more than one automated rule, the priority (where 0 is the highest and increasing numbers denote decreasing priority) determines which rule will run. You cannot assign the same priority to two rules.

On new event. The automated event handling actions the system will execute when an event occurs that matches the filters of this rule:

On new higher priority event. During automated handling of an event, this determines what happens if a new event comes in that matches a higher-priority rule:

Close treatment when. Sets when you want the system to automatically suspend handling of the event. This means that the event is deselected in Event List, and any Assisted/Investigative Treatment windows are closed. However, the event remains available in Event List.

User Groups and Stations filters: This lets you restrict the rule so that it applies only to the groups of users and/or stations in the Selected Items list on the right.



User groups and stations filters do not have any effect on which automated rule should run as this depends on the filters defined in the Filters expander.


Filters of an Event Settings Rule

You use filters to configure when, in what circumstances, and for what combination of event conditions an event settings rule will run.


When you configure an event settings rule, the Filters expander lets you set the following:

An AND logic is applied between the filters: time-dependent and events conditions must both be asserted (true) for the event settings rule to run.

If an event occurs that matches the filters of more than one rule, the one with the higher priority (lower number), as specified in the General Settings expander, will run.

If you do not set any filters for the event settings rule, the rule will run for all the events generated in the system.

Event Settings Toolbar Controls


Selection in System Browser

[Engineering mode]

Event Settings rule object

Event Settings folder


Save the changes made to the current event settings rule.


Save As

Save the currently selected event settings rule with a different name. You can use this to create a new event settings rule from an existing one.

Create a new event settings rule object.


Delete the currently selected event settings rule.
