
This section contains SICLIMAT X troubleshooting information.

Performance Guidelines

In some cases, the system response time for errors or operator action is too long. This may be due to Simatic S7 settings or a slow response of the CPU.

The issue can be resolved in the following ways:

Change the Priority of the CPU to B&B in SIMATIC Manager
Change the Priority of the CPU to B&B in SIMATIC Manager

Troubleshooting TECLA Scripts Migration

Manual Modification and Debugging

Describe the broad category of changes and extensions that might need to be carried out.

Handling Missing Functions

TECLA Function Name EN

TECLA Function Name DE


Workaround (if any)



Sets the mode of heating control

Replace with equivalent DP writes

Handling Missing Language Constructs

Certain language constructs available in TECLA do not have an equivalent in JavaScript, so that the cross-compiler in the migration tool generates a compiler error and the script is not migrated. In such cases, you need to revisit the TECLA script and modify it.

Unable to Resolve Data Point Reference

Troubleshooting Scheduler after SICLIMAT Export to System

Mistakes when setting COUNTER to a new value

Parameter Offset is missing and Value Delete is incorrect.


Manually perform assignment in Desigo CC scheduler.

Manual Assignment
Manual Assignment

“No repeating of scheduled commands after connection time-out

If there is no S7 connected to Desigo CC at the scheduled time, the command is not repeated, once the connection is reestablished.