Third-party OPC DA Discovery Rules Workspace

Desigo CC discovery rules feature allows customizing and creating discovery rules for an OPC discovery rules library, and editing or modifying library settings, hierarchy settings, and object mapping rules. It also allows creating additional discovery rules for a library so that you can select which rules will be used when importing OPC Items. For instructions, see the step-by-step section. Note that, if needed, you can add more than one OPC DA discovery rules library element to the OPC discovery rules folder.

OPC DA Discovery Rules Library Settings

The Library Settings expander allows defining the string to match for the rule to be applied. The matching string will be mapped on the name of the discovered OPC server.


You have to modify the default library name and enter a match string. A tooltip tells you the prefixes supported:

*Match Anywhere (contains)

^ Match beginning

$ Match ending

@ Always match

In a string, a number can be represented by the following characters: \#.

NOTE: This setting cannot be changed for a customized library (Match String field disabled).

OPC DA Discovery Rules Hierarchy Settings

The Hierarchy Settings expander allows specifying how to build the hierarchies in Management View, in the logical view, or in a user-defined view.


For the hardware (physical) hierarchy that will be imported into Management View, you can specify the name to use for the generic OPC group, the number of levels of the OPC Items address from which the OPC groups name will be generated, and the characters to be used as delimiters.

For the hierarchies of the logical view or of a user-defined view, you can set one of the following options:

NOTE: The hierarchy settings data can be changed for a customized library. During the discovery operation, the rules of the lower customization level are applied. For example, if L1-Headquarter rules are customized at L2-Region and L4-Project, during the import L4-Project rules will be applied.

OPC DA Discovery Rules Object Mapping Rules

The Object Mapping Rules expander allows modifying the rules configuration.



An OPC server exposes the OPC items with the following addresses:



Case 1: Applying the following OPC discovery rules that use the standard delimiter (.)

Match String

Object Model








Result of Case 1: The following nodes will be created into the project


Object Model

Mapped Property







Case 2: Applying the following OPC discovery rules that use the structured property delimiter (\&)

Match String

Object Model








Result of Case 2: The following node will be created into the project


Object Model

Mapped Property



Status and Battery

An OPC discovery rule works as follows:

You can add a new rule after the one selected, copy the selected rule and add the copy after the selected rule, remove and move up or down the selected rule. Note that rules are evaluated top-down. Consequently, if more than one rule can be applied to the same OPC item, the rule on top is the one that will be used to import the OPC item.

NOTE: Mapping rules defined at upper customization levels cannot be modified for a customized library. In that case, you can only add a new rule or copy an existing rule. If the selected rule belongs to an upper level, the new rule or the copy of an existing rule is added at the beginning of the list. If the selected rule belongs to the current level, the new rule or the copy of an existing rule is added after the one selected. A rule can be removed and moved up or down only if it belongs to the current level.