Overview of Operating Procedures

Assisted treatment is the name of a guided event-handling feature provided by Desigo CC. When an event occurs for which assisted treatment is available, the operator can open a dedicated Assisted Treatment window that gives a step-by-step procedure to follow:

The sequence of steps for the assisted treatment of an event is called an operating procedure. For assisted treatment to be available, an operating procedure needs to have been previously configured for that type of event.


To make assisted treatment available for a certain type of event, you must configure an operating procedure for it. When you configure an operating procedure, you have to specify its:

Operating Procedure License and Access Rights

Assisted treatment is covered by a license. Check that the assisted treatment option license is available in the system otherwise you cannot configure operating procedures. If the license is installed but later expires or is lost for any reason existing procedures will continue to work in Operating mode. However, you cannot modify the existing procedures or configure new ones.

Even if the assisted treatment license is installed, your ability to access operating procedures also depends on the application rights configured for your user group. If you do not have appropriate rights you may be able to view but not configure operating procedures, or you may not have access to this function at all. Note that if you have the application rights to configure operating procedures, you will also be able to configure all types of procedure steps, even if you do not have the application rights for the corresponding application. For example, you will be able to configure a document step even if you do not otherwise have access rights to the documents application.

Configuring an operating procedure is a prerequisite for the assisted treatment feature to work. If no operating procedure is defined for a particular event, the operator will not be able to handle it with the aid of assisted treatment. However, the other event-handling methods provided by the system (fast treatment and investigative treatment) will remain available.

Your ability to access assisted treatment also depends on the application rights configured for your user group. If you do not have appropriate rights, you cannot initiate assisted treatment.