Project Restore and Upgrade Settings

Desigo CC SMC Version 7.0 supports restore and upgrade of projects backups from Version 5.0 and above. For step-by-step procedure, see Restoring a Project or Creating a Project from a Template.

Project Restore and Upgrade on Server

On Server, you can restore a project or create a project from template. For new installations, it is recommended to restore a template project instead of creating a new project. Using template projects reduces the time required for configuring new installations since template projects include pre-configured elements such as reports, schedules, graphics, user groups, macros and so on.

For details about the project templates for the current version, see Client Profiles and Event Schemas Compatibility Tables.


Project Restore and Upgrade on Client/FEP

On Client/FEP, in SMC, you can upgrade an existing Client/FEP project displaying the Project status field as Outdated (in red). See Upgrade a Client/FEP Project.

For Version 7.0, the minimum upgradable version for Client/FEP project backup is Version 5.0.