Generating Email Attachments for Fixed Link Reports


You want to generate a fixed link report and email it as an attachment to an already configured list of recipients in the Recipients Editor tab of the Notification application at a scheduled time. As a result, the report will be emailed in the specified format to the specific recipients from the Recipients Editor tab. For background information, see the reference section.


  • You have configured a Web Rule and created a fixed link.
  • You have configured SMTP Email server using Notification extension.
  • You have created recipients in the Recipients Editor tab of the Notification application. See Create Recipient Users or Recipient Devices in Creating and Configuring Recipients.



Setting User Credentials for Executing a Fixed Link Report
Configure Email Settings for a Fixed Link Report
(Option 1) Manually Execute and Email Report
(Option 2) Create Program to Schedule Sending Report
(Option 3) Create a Script to Schedule Sending Report
Related Topics

The workflow offers three options to manually send or schedule times to automatically send the email:

  • Option 1 – Use the Application View to manually send the email from the fixed link itself.
  • Option 2 – Use the Reaction Editor to program a reaction that will schedule the email distribution daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • Option 3 – Use the Scripting Editor to write a script that will schedule the email distribution.