KNX Symbols

When integrating the KNX extension, the following symbols are available in graphics:

  • Three light symbols
  • Two shutter symbols
  • Generic symbols to display values
  • Command symbols



  • Symbol for a simple light.
  • At the bottom of the symbol, On or Off status displays.
  • Click the green rectangle on the central part of the symbol to turn on/off the light.

Engineering the symbol

To use this symbol in your graphic, drag it from the Library Browser1) and set the required substitutions in the Symbol Instance Properties.

Symbol Instance Properties



*OnOffValue2) (/Object Reference)

From System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the on/off value of the light.


From System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the on/off command of the light.


  • Symbol for a simple light.
  • At the bottom of the light symbol, On or Off status displays.
  • Click the green rectangle on the central part of the symbol to show/hide the commands on the right:
    • The button on the top right turns off the light.
    • The button on the bottom right turns on the light.

Engineering the symbol

To use this symbol in your graphic, drag it from the Library Browser1) and set the required substitutions in the Symbol Instance Properties.

Symbol Instance Properties



*OnOffValue2) (/Object Reference)

From System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the on/off value of the light.


From System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the on/off command of the light.


  • Symbol for managing the light dimming.
  • At the bottom of the light symbol the dimming value displays.
  • Click the green rectangle on the central part of the symbol to show/hide the commands on the right:
    • Up/down buttons to Increase/decrease dimming by a certain amount.
    • Central button to turn on/off the light.
    • Command field to manually enter the dimming value. By pressing ENTER, the new value is set.

Engineering the symbol

To use this symbol in your graphic, drag it from the Library Browser1) and set the required substitutions in the Symbol Instance Properties.

Symbol Instance Properties



*DimmingValue2) (/Object Reference)

From System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the dimming value of the light.


Value to control dimming increase/decrease.


From System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the absolute dimming command of the light.


From System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the on/off command of the light.


Defines the resolution of the dimming value in the graphic. Default is 0.


  • Symbol for blinds.
  • At the bottom of the shutter symbol the blinds shutter value displays.
  • Click the green rectangle on the central part of the symbol to show/hide the commands on the right:
    • Up/down buttons to roll up blinds to 0 or roll down blinds to 100.
      NOTE: The symbol numeric value and its graphic display do not update dynamically, but only when the blinds roll up/down is stopped. At this point, the corresponding value is also updated in the Extended Operation tab.
    • Central square button to stop the blinds roll up/down.
      NOTE: This is not a toggle button.
    • Command field to manually enter the roll up/down value. By pressing ENTER, the new value is set.

Engineering the symbol

To use this symbol in your graphic, drag it from the Library Browser1) and set the required substitutions in the Symbol Instance Properties.

Symbol Instance Properties



*BlindsValue2) (/Object Reference)

From System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the blinds value.


Defines the blinds command:

  • Link the point that corresponds with the absolute blinds command.


Defines the blinds value resolution displayed in the graphic. Default is 0.


Link the exact Boolean point that will manage the blinds stop.


Link the exact Boolean point that will manage the blinds up/down commands.


  • Symbol for blinds and louvre.
  • At the top of the shutter symbol the louvre tilt value displays.
  • At the bottom of the shutter symbol the blinds shutter value displays.
  • Click the green rectangle on the central part of the symbol to show/hide the commands.
    • Commands for blinds (on the left):
    • Up/down buttons to roll up blinds to 0 or roll down blinds to 100.
      NOTE: The symbol numeric value and its graphic display do not update dynamically, but only when the blinds roll up/down is stopped. At this point, the corresponding value is also updated in the Extended Operation tab.
    • Central square button to stop the blinds roll up/down.
      NOTE: This is not a toggle button.
    • Command field to manually enter the roll up/down value. By pressing ENTER, the new value is set.
  • Commands for louvre (on the right):
    • Up/down buttons to tilt the louvre up to 0 or down to 100.
    • Command field to manually enter the tilting up/down value. By pressing ENTER, the new value is set.

Engineering the symbol

To use this symbol in your graphic, drag it from the Library Browser1) and set the required substitutions in the Symbol Instance Properties.


Symbol Instance Properties



*BlindsValue2) (/Object Reference)

From System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the blinds value.


From System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the absolute blinds command.


Link the exact Boolean point that will manage the blinds up/down commands.


From System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the louvre command.


Link the exact Boolean point that will manage the blinds open/closedown commands.


From System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the louvre value.


Defines the blinds and louvre value resolution displayed in the graphic. Default is 0.


  • Symbol for color temperature.

Engineering the symbol

To use this symbol in your graphic, drag it from the Library Browser1) and set the required substitutions in the Symbol Instance Properties.

Symbol Instance Properties




From System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the value of the color temperature.


from System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the command of the color temperature.


  • Generic symbol to manage one value for an individual point in the graphic.


  • Generic symbol to aggregate different point values in the same symbol in the graphic (this type of generic symbol allows managing multiple values for an individual point).

NOTE: This symbol can be used to display up to four values. If less than four, just leave the remaining value fields empty.

Engineering the symbol

To use this symbol in your graphic, drag it from the Library Browser1) and set the required substitutions in the Symbol Instance Properties.

Symbol Instance Properties



*Value12) (/Object Reference)

From System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the wanted value.


From System Browser, link the exact points that correspond with the values you want to display in the graphic.


Defines the box width. Default is 75.


For each of the four values, specify the value resolution displayed in the graphic. Default is 0.

Examples of Boolean Graphic Commands


  • Set of graphic commands to manage Boolean datapoints.
    One symbol for each of the supported KNX DPT1.x.


  • Generic symbol for graphic commands.

Engineering the symbol

To use this symbol in your graphic, drag it from the Library Browser1) and set the required substitutions in the Symbol Instance Properties.

Symbol Instance Properties



*BooleanSetpoint2) (/Object Reference)

From System Browser, link the exact point that corresponds with the wanted value.


Name of the command on the left as defined in the object model.


Name of the command on the right as defined in the object model.


Parameter of the command on the left as defined in the object model. Default is 0.


Parameter of the command on the right as defined in the object model. Default is 1.


String that defines the text to display on the command left button.


String that defines the text to display on the command right button.


  • Generic symbol for the scene graphic command. It allows specific comfort configurations (scenes) to be activated. The text displayed on the command button is a short reference of the scene itself.


  1. To display the Library Browser, do the following:
    a. In Graphics Editor, select the View tab.
    b. Select Library Browser.
  1. To search for the appropriate symbol:
    a. Select the BA_Device_KNX_HQ1 library from the drop-down list.
    b. Use the Type to Filter box to filter based on the symbol name.



Each substitution must have its own link. A substitution with an asterisk (*) means that this substitution corresponds with the object reference and drag-and-drop is not allowed in that field. In this case, link the point corresponding to this substitution to the Object Reference field in Symbol Instance.




To localize the texts of the command symbols, do the following:

  • In the TextValueLeft and TextValueRight fields, enter the name of the desired text group with the following syntax <text group name.ID left command> and <text group name.ID right command> respectively. For example, TXG_MyCommands.0 (where 0 identifies the command on the left) and TXG_MyCommands.1 where 1 identifies the command on the right).