Create BACnet Backup Periodically

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  2. Select Project > Field Networks > [Network name] > Hardware > [Automation station] of the corresponding automation station.
  3. The BACnet tab displays.
  4. Open the Backup/Restore Information expander and select the Enable backups check box.
  5. If cleared: BACnet Backup is backed up manually.
    If selected: BACnet Backup is backed up as per the backup rate.
  6. Enter the data for the BACnet backup properties:
    • Backup rate (sec.): 86,400 = 1 day (604,800 = 1 week/ 18,144,000 = 30 days)
    • Backup reinitialization delay: 30 (sec.)
    • Restore reinitialization delay: 30 (sec.)
    • Reinitialize password: Password for the automation station.
    • Confirm password: Confirm the password for the automation station.
    • Backup to keep: Number of backup files to store.
  7. Click Save .
  1. Data is read from the automation station and the process completed with Backup successful. The backup file is saved to the following folder: [Installed drive]:\[MyProject]\Data\DeviceBackups\[Device_Number_Suffix].