Restore BACnet Backup

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  2. The BACnet backup file must be located in the following folder: [Installation drive]:\[MyProject]\Data\DeviceBackups.
  3. In System Browser, select Management View.
  1. Select Project > Field Networks > [Network name] > Hardware > [Automation station] of the corresponding automation station.
  2. The BACnet tab displays.
  3. In the Operation tab, select the System status property.
  4. Click Restore.
    NOTE: The Restore function always takes the newest backup file with the suffix _1. You cannot select an older version of your backup files. Do not rename the file name because some dependency is written inside of the backup file.
  5. Enter the password for the automation station and click Send.
  1. The backup files are restored to the automation station and the following message displays Restore successful.

Disable Auto-APDU-Timeout if you are unable to restore the BACnet backup. Setting.
The management platform does not automatically restore the backup files on the Desigo automation station if the application is no longer available on the Desigo automation station.