Creating, Configuring and Generating a Powermanager Report


You want to configure a report and view its contents as a PDF/XLS.

For background information, see the reference section.




Create and Configure Report Definition
Generate a Report
View the Report as PDF or XLSX




In case of any configuration changes in SMC with web applications like Advance Reporting, Dashboard or WSI, the same changes need to be reflected in Powermanger system settings.

Powermanager considers Monday as the first day of the week for all calculations irrespective of regional settings.

In case any formatting issues with the values in the generated excel, you have to edit the format of the value manually in excel.

For languages other than English the value in the below listed reports is shown as 10.000,02, but same report after exporting to excel the value will be shown as 10,000.02.
Energy Analysis
Load Duration Curve
Load Variance
Power Peak
Top 10
Total Energy

When multiple reports are executed, few intervals and values may not be displayed in the executed reports. You have to re-select the report definition from the system browser and re-execute it.