Perform Data Import using Device Discovery

This procedure describes how to import devices using the Discovery Settings for devices. Optionally, you can first use the BACnet Object Browser to find out the vendor-identifier and object-identifier. The identifiers can be used as filters in the Discovery Settings.

(Optional) Detecting the identifiers for of your devices

  1. Open the Windows Start menu and select All Programs > [Vendor Name] > Desigo CC> Tools > BACnet Object Browser.
  2. The BACnet Object Browser scans the network for BACnet devices.
  3. Select a device from the system tree in the left pane.
  4. Find and write down the following information from the right pane.
    • vendor-identifier
    • object-identifier
  1. You can use the identifiers as a filter in the Discovery Settings.

Starting a Network Scan and importing data

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  2. The System Browser is in Management View.
  3. For firmware version lower than v02.20.172: A full download from ABT Site must be currently available on the Desigo automation station. Subsequent delta downloads are not recognized by a discovery import. This may result in data points not being displayed that were added and deleted data points displayed with #Com in Desigo CC.
  1. Select your BACnet network from Project > Field Networks.
  2. Select the Discovery tab.
  3. Open the Discovery Settings expander.
  4. In the field Scan timeout in seconds, enter the maximum duration of a scan (Default: 60 seconds).
  5. Select Enable auto-discovery of devices. The Desigo CC project data base is automatically updated if the Desigo CC project data base deviates from the data base ID on the automation station.
  6. Select the filter criterion:
    • Use network filter and enter the Network number filter.
    • Use instance filter and enter the Beginning instance and Ending instance (object-identifier).
    • Use vendor filter and enter a Vendor ID.
    • Use specific instance filter and enter the instance number.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Select the Device Discovery expander and click Scan.
  9. Discovered devices are displayed in the Device Discovery expander.
  10. Select check box Import selection for each automation station for import.
  11. Click Import.
  12. Click Yes.
  1. The report execution status displays in the Scan status section. This may take a few minutes depending on the amount of data.
  2. Data points are displayed in System Browser below the selected network.

Use the following table to troubleshoot communication errors.

No Communication is Available

Possible Causes

Perform the following steps ...

Management station is on the same network:

  • No foreign device defined
  • IP Address does not reference the BBMD device on the network.
  • UDP Port not correctly defined.
  1. Select Management > Project > Management System > Server > Drivers > [driver name].
  2. Select the BACnet tab and open the BT BACnet Stack Config expander.
  3. Check the settings for Port properties > Foreign device.
    The IP Address must reference the BBMD device on the network.

BACnet driver not working.

  1. Select Management > Project > Management System > Server > Drivers > [driver name].
  2. Click the Extended Operation tab.
  3. Select Manager Status and click Start.

The firewall does not allow the BACnet driver as an exception.

  1. Add GMS BACnet Driver under Allow communication of Apps through Windows Defender Firewall.