CSV File Properties

Before configuring the CSV mapping, you first need to determine the following three properties of the CSV files:


CSV files exported from Excel by default have the following properties:
Header row: Yes
Delimiter: Comma
Quotation mark: Double quotes.
If the character used as quotation mark appears within quoted values, the character must be escaped by doubling the corresponding character. This escaping process is typically performed by the process that creates a CSV file from a data source.

Log File

To effectively manage the import and export of recipients, it is necessary to receive feedback about the import export activity as well as any problems that may be occurring. The MNS application provides separate and comprehensive Log files that can be used to track and analyze the import export recipient activities. The user can view or open the Log file stored at [Project Directory]\log on the server.

Log file Nomenclature

Recipient-[Import/Export]-[Format]-[Mapping Name].log

The Log file contains the following information:

NOTE: If a Log file with an identical name exists, the existing Log file will be overwritten.
