Notifier AM Troubleshooting

This section covers several areas of troubleshooting.

Troubleshooting SORIS

In SORIS, see SORIS Troubleshooting.

Increase Request Status Interval After Reset

It might happen that after an event for Notifier AM is reset, the same event occurs again in Event List in Desigo CC. This might depend on the fact that Desigo CC reacts to the event status changes at a different time with respect to the Notifier AM control panel. To prevent this issue, you must increase the interval of time after which the status request for the reset command is issued. Do the following:

  1. Navigate to Siemens\CEI Notifier AM Adapter.
  2. Open the file Siemens.GMS.NotifierAM.Adapter.config using a text editor.
  3. Locate line 40, and increase the value for the key “lagRequestStatusAfterResetMilliSeconds”.
    NOTE: Default value is 10000. Recommended value is 20000.
  4. Save the changes, and then close the file.
  5. Stop and restart the Desigo CC project.

How to Configure TCP/IP-to-Ethernet Converter Settings

Serial communication allows the communication from the Ethernet converter to the SIB600 serial output interface board of the fire panel.

The TCP configuration allows the communication from the Ethernet converter to the Notifier AM SORIS adapter.

Most of the converters have the InactivityTime parameter that allows specifying the maximum interval of time allowed to keep the connection open if data is not sent to/from the serially connected device (such as, Notifier AM control panels). If the inactivity time interval expires, the connection to the Ethernet converter will end.