Desigo Insight Internetwork

The communication settings in Desigo Insight are configured in the Internetwork and in the applicable site connection settings of the management station. The settings are compiled in the BACnet driver in Desigo CC.

The required settings for the Desigo CC BACnet driver or drivers can be taken from the configuration of the internetwork and in the connection settings of the management station for the site.

Internetwork settings specific to the management station (for example, BACnet Name, Device ID) are not mapped in the system report. Read the information directly from the system configurator at Internetworks > Management station properties if the settings in Desigo CC are the same as the settings in Desigo Insight (based on customer requirements).

An Internetwork in Desigo Insight

Configure BACnet driver GmsBACnetDriver_1 in your template project.

Multiple Internetworks in Desigo Insight

Additional BACnet drivers must be set up to use multiple internetworks (for example, due to different communication settings for individual sites).

Desigo Insight

Desigo CC

Internetwork 1

Name MS01

APDU: 1476

BACnet Driver: GmsBACnetDriver_1

Name: Desigo management station BAC0

APDU: 1476

IP: 192.168.01

Port: 0xBAC0

Connection 1


Port: 0xBAC0

Internetwork 2

Name MS01

APDU: 1476

BACnet Driver: GmsBACnetDriver_2

Name: Desigo management station BAC1

APDU: 1476

IP: 192.168.01

Port: 0xBAC1

Connection 2


Port: 0xBAC1