Configuring the Datapoint Aggregations and Bitstring Splits

To ensure flexibility in mapping the S-Bus datapoint information into the Desigo CC objects, you can aggregate multiple S-Bus datapoints, or split a datapoint into smaller data types (Bitstring Split).

This requires a special configuration with the purpose of creating an OWL model file for the adapter. Complete the following steps:

Create the Aggregation or Bitstring Split Object Model

In the S-Bus Library, create a Desigo CC Object Model that contains the Properties to represent the S-Bus datapoints you want to aggregate or split.
You can do this by customizing one of the default S-Bus Object Models.

Name the new Object Model based on the aggregation or split criteria. For example, if the model aggregates analog inputs, GMS_S-Bus_Aggregator_Analog_Inputs

For instructions about Desigo CC Libraries and Object Models, refer to the Libraries section.


Configure the Object Model Properties

  1. The new Object Model is ready in the S-Bus library.
  1. Select the main Libraries node and then the SORIS tab.
  2. Drag the Object Model you created in the SORIS Objects expander.
  3. A new entry appears in the SORIS Objects expander. A corresponding property expander appears on the right.
  4. For aggregations, based on the set of S-Bus register names (o symbol names) to match, enter the Match String in the format <position>_<substring>, with <position> being the field number, and <substring> being the substring to search for in the field. For example, 5_MT.
    NOTE 1: The match string is required to aggregate, not for the bitstring split.
    NOTE 2: You can enter multiple match strings separated by ";". For example, 5_MT;5_GS
    NOTE 3: Check the register names in the S-Bus tool. In the names, fields are separated by "_".
  5. In the property expander, enable the Select check boxes.
  6. In Address, enter one of the following:
    • For the information to aggregate, the last field of the object registry name.
    • For the biststring split, the bit range n-m in the datapoint 32-bit word (see S-Bus Bitstring Split Mapping).
      NOTE: Make sure to Select all properties.
Aggregation Properties Settings
Aggregation Properties Settings
Bitstring Split Properties Settings
Bitstring Split Properties Settings

Export the Aggregation/Split File to the S-Bus Adapter

  1. All the required properties are set in the SORIS Object Model.
  1. In the Export Files Path expander, copy the Export Files Full Path field.
  2. From Windows, open the File Explorer and paste the path in the address bar.
  3. The File Explorer displays the list of exported aggregation files (.OWL extension).
  4. Copy the OWL file named after the Object Model and paste it into the Adapter data models folder, typically: C:\Siemens\S-BUS Adapter\DataModels\.
  5. From the Windows Services application, Stop and then Start again the S-Bus Adapter.

You can repeat the entire procedure for more Object Models as necessary.

IMPORTANT: You must complete the aggregation configuration in the CSV file you import to create the Desigo CC data structure (see Configuring the S-Bus Object Structure and Alarm Control):
the sets of aggregated datapoints must have the same object Name to get a unique and common aggregation object created in System Browser.