Configuring Basic Driver Settings

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  2. Depending on where the BACnet Driver is located (Desigo CC server or FEP station), select one of the following:
    • Project > Management System > Servers > Main Server > Drivers > [name of driver]
    • Project > Management System > FEPs > [FEP station] > Drivers > [name of driver]
  3. Click the BACnet tab.
  4. Expand Settings.
  5. In the Management Station section, enter the Instance Number. The Instance Number is the BACnet Device Identifier to assign to the driver as a BACnet client (default is 9998).
  6. In the Management station name field, accept the default name or enter a new name.
  7. In the Default alarm class field, click the drop-down arrow and select an alarm class to be used for status messages for this driver.
  8. In the Max APDU length field, accept the default message size of 1476 bytes or click the drop-down arrow and select a smaller size if the network requires it.
  9. Default process IDs of 0 and 600 are provided. Consult vendors you are integrating with to obtain their process IDs. To add a vendor ID, enter the number in the blank field, and then click Add.
  10. In the Acting as Supervised Fire Client expander, check Enable if you have a fire panel that supports client supervision, and then enter the corresponding number in the Client Number field.
  11. Click Save.