Block Commands Reference

Block Commands Programming and System Behavior

Block Command

Possible Settings

Desigo CC Behavior

In System Manager

In Event List

Block acknowledge


The Acknowledge command applies to the control panel of the selected data point.

The Acknowledge command applies to all control panels in the network.

Not Enabled

The Acknowledge command is not available.

The Acknowledge command applies to the selected event.

Block reset


The Reset command applies to the control panel of the selected data point.

The Reset command applies to all control panels in the network.

Not Enabled

The Reset command is not available.

The Reset command applies to the control panel of the selected event.

Block silence/unsilence


The Silence/Unsilence command applies to the control panel of the selected data point.

The Silence/Unsilence command applies to all control panels in the network.

Not Enabled

The Silence/Unsilence command is not available.

The Silence/Unsilence command applies to the control panel of the selected event.

Block Commands Overview

Block Commands configuration applies to the entire Desigo CC network and is automatically imported from the SiB-X file to match the local configuration of the control panels. If you import multiple SiB-X files in the same Desigo CC network, the last import procedure sets the Block Commands mode for the entire system. To prevent inconsistent behavior between local (panel level) and remote (station level) commands, make sure that the Block Commands configuration is identical for all control panels of the same Desigo CC network.

Block Commands and Macros

The system executes Block Commands using macros that are specifically designed for this purpose. A set of pre-defined macros (one for each network) is automatically provided with the following names:

Importing SiB-X Files

You can import multiple systems (SiB-X files) in the same or in separate Desigo CC networks. If you import multiple systems in the same network node, the Block Commands macros apply to all of them. However, in architectures with multiple networks, if you want global Block Commands, you must manually create multi-network macros. You can do that by creating a new set of global macros with the following names:

Each of these macros should launch the network-based macros for the corresponding command functions (for example, the global ACK macro will launch all the network ACK macros). While you must configure the global, multi-network macros manually, they are automatically recognized and can replace the single network macros to perform the alarm-handling commands.

Security and Scope Settings

While the Block Commands may operate on multiple panels and networks, the Security and Scope settings must enable operators to command all panels and networks involved in their fire alarm handling.
In particular, if a customized Scope is defined for the fire system, this Scope must include, from the Management View, all fire panels and networks affected by the Block Commands macros.