Configure the Slider Command Control Properties

This is just one example of how a Slider command control can be drawn and configured to send commands from within a graphic.

For this example, an Analog Output COV_Increment data point property is used.

  1. You have a Slider command control with a thumb drawn on the active graphic.
  1. In the Element Tree, select the Slider Control.
  2. From the Property View (Slider Control Properties), expand the Command Control properties.
  3. In the Parameter Name field, type the data point’s Parameter name obtained from the Models & Functions Command Configuration table. This field is case–sensitive.
    • For this example, type Value. This property will be the same Parameter property later defined in the Command and Navigation section.
  4. In the Minimum field, type the lowest value on the Slider control.
    • For this example, type 1.
  5. In the Maximum field, type the highest value on the Slider control.
    • For this example, type 3.
  6. The Snap to Ticks check box allows the Slider to snap to values in increments provided by the Tick Frequency Property.
    • For this example, select the Snap to Ticks check box.
  7. In the Tick Frequency field, type a value to specify the interval at which ticks are separated on the slider. In this example, the target’s value, .COV_Increment, changes based on its most recent value and according to the Tick Frequency value.
    • For this example, set the Tick Frequency to 1.
  8. In the Update Interval field, type a value in milliseconds that specifies how quickly the value is updated as the thumb moves along the slider.
    • For this example, set the value to -1. This means that the value does not update until the Slider thumb is released.

      NOTE: If the command control element is a validated object, you must also set the value to -1. Validated do not support sending multiple commands.
  9. Select the Drag Shadow check box if you want a shadow of the original slider position to display as the slider moves to the new value.
  10. Click Save.