Troubleshooting BadCertificateUriInvalid Error

When connecting to an OPC UA server using a security policy different from None (endpoint different from level:0 None Policy:None), the following error might occur:


This happens because the URL used for the client application is different from the one written in the client certificate.

To solve this issue, do the following:

  1. Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Siemens\SORIS OPC UA Adapter.
  1. Open the certificate Opc UA Adapter [thumbprint].der.
  1. Open the OpcUaAdapter.Ua.Config.Xml file with an editor.
  1. Check the Subject Alternative Name field of the adapter certificate and the ApplicationUri tag of the XML file.
  • If their content is not the same:
  1. Do the following:
    a. Stop the OpcUaAdapter service.
    b. In the OpcUaAdapter.Ua.Config.Xml file, replace the row
    <ApplicationUri>urn:Siemens:Opc Ua Adapter</ApplicationUri>
    and save the changes.
  1. Restart the OpcUaAdapter service.


See also the following alternative solution:

  1. Run the program UaClientConfigHelperNet4.exe as Administrator.
  1. Select the OpcUaAdapter.exe application and in the UA Client Configuration Helper tool click Edit UA Configuration.
  1. Change Application URI according to the contents of the URL certificate.
  1. Click Save and Close.
  1. Restart the OpcUaAdapter service.