Automatically Populate the Physical View

  1. Select Project > Field Networks > [network].
  2. Select the Import tab.
  3. Click Browse.
  4. In the Open dialog box, select the configuration file you want to import and click OK.
    NOTE: Be sure to select a file that contains physical objects.
  5. The complete path of the selected file appears in the field next to the Browse button. The Source Items preview displays all the items available in the selected configuration file.
  6. Open the Hierarchies Mapping expander.
    NOTE: By default, every hierarchy is assigned to Management View only.
  7. Define the physical view as the target of the import of the objects hierarchies as follows:
    a. In System Browser, select the Manual navigation check box.
    b. From the drop-down list, select [physical view].
    c. In the tree structure, select the root node of the view and drag-and-drop it to the Physical View field in the Hierarchies Mapping expander.
  8. The imported hierarchies of objects will be automatically built according to the physical level.
  9. In the Source Items list, select the items you want to import and move them to the Items to Import list. Use to move all the items.
  10. Click Import.
  11. Click Yes.
  12. When the import completes, in the Import dialog box, click OK.
  1. The structure of the physical view is automatically built during the import according to the specified hierarchies mapping.