Configuring Content Provider

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  2. System Browser is in Management View.
  1. Select Project > System Settings > Libraries > L1-Headquarter > Building Automation > Device > BA_Device_GAMMA_KNX_HQ_1 > Software Options.
  2. In the Library Configurator tab, click New and select New Content Provider.
  3. (Optional) In Library Configurator tab, complete the following fields to keep track of changes made to this block:
    • Version
    • Revision
    • Date
    • Notes
  4. Click Save .
  5. In the New Object dialog box, enter a name and description, and click OK.
  6. The library block is added to System Browser under the GAMMA KNX library.
  7. Select the GAMMA KNX Content Provider library block.
  8. In the Operation tab, next to each property enter a value and click Set.
    • Drop Priority
    • Assembly Name
    • Provider Full Name