Run Discovery on the SiPass Server

This procedure is part of the workflow for integrating SiPass access control.




Import the Configuration for the Connected SiPass Server

You can use the discovery feature to import the SiPass field configuration from the connected SiPass integrated server into Desigo CC .

  1. To speed configuration, make sure the Desigo CC Transaction Mode is set to Simple.
  2. (Optional) You can customize the import of SiPass objects in the following ways:
  3. Select Project > Field Networks > [SiPass network] > [SiPass server].
  4. In the Extended Operation tab:
    a. Check that Connection State is Connected.
    NOTE: If it is Disconnected, see the Last Login State property. To solve the problem, check the network connection and the parameter settings.
    b. Click Discovery.
  5. The configuration is imported. A confirmation message displays (Discovery Successful).
  6. The Status Discovery property indicates the import result (Last Discovery Successful or a failure condition).
    In case of problems, see the troubleshooting section.


Finishing Steps

  1. When finished with the import, make sure the Transaction Mode is set back to Logging.
  2. If the SiPass driver was running in Configuration Mode for the import, stop and restart it in full mode for normal operation. See Stopping and Starting the SiPass Driver.