Configure the OPC DA Server

  1. Select Project > Management System > Servers > Main Server.
  2. In the System Management tab, click New and select New OPC Server DA.
  3. In the New Object dialog box, enter a name and description, and click OK.
  4. The OPC DA server is added to System Browser. Its status is initially Not Running.
  5. In the OPC DA Server tab, open the Settings expander.
  6. From the User name drop-down list, select the OPC software user account.
    NOTE: The configured OPC DA server will make available the scopes linked to the OPC user group.
  7. (Optional) From the OPC Items display level drop-down list, select the appropriate display level. This selection will affect the OPC items exposed to the third-party OPC clients. For details, see Settings of the OPC DA Server.
  8. Click Save .



- In new projects, by default, the display level is set to Display Level 4 – Northbound Gateway.
- In upgraded projects, by default, if the OPC DA server was previously configured, the display level is set to Display Level 2 – Standard Operation; if the OPC DA server was never configured, the display level is set to Display Level 4 – Northbound Gateway.
If you modify the default value, stop and then restart the Desigo CC OPC DA server.