Save and Discover the Adapter Configuration

  1. To save the changes in the configuration file, in the OPC UA Client Configuration section, click Save.
    NOTE: If the configuration is invalid, the OPC UA Client Configuration dialog box informs you of the errors. In particular, the severity of the errors is graphically indicated, including a brief description of the error.
    If there are critical errors , the current configuration will not be saved.
    If there are less severe errors or the current configuration will be saved, but any points with errors will not be imported.
    You may want to click Export Logs to export the error logs to a TXT file, and then revise the configuration.
  2. If prompted to confirm the changes, click Yes.
  3. An event is generated to indicate that the adapter is loading the latest configuration.
  4. To discover the adapter configuration, in the Extended Operation tab, next to the URL property, click Discover.
  1. System Browser refreshes and displays the OPC UA Client configuration.