Drag the custom object model from System Browser into the SORIS Objects expander.
In the SORIS Objects expander, select the check box that corresponds to the custom object model.
In the [custom object model] – Properties expander, click Select All to select all the properties.
(Optional) The Export Files Full Path expander provides the following default output directory: [Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\[GMSMainProject]Data\[OPC_UA_Client]\SORISFiles. You may want to click Browser, and specify a different output directory.
Click Save.
The system creates the following files: [name].cs, [name].java, [name].owl, [name].yaml.
Copy and paste the OWL file ([name].owl) into the data models adapter installation folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\[Company Name]\SORIS OPC UA Adapter\DataModels.
The object model is now available in the Object model drop-down list of the OPC UA Client Configuration Data Settings section in the OPC UA.