Configure the Adapter Connections

Each fire panel is connected to the adapter via a RS232/LAN converter (for example, the PLANET Technology ICS-110 Serial Device Server).
In the tool, in the Advanced Custom Settings Group page, this is represented by a Server node under the main Servers node.
You need to create a server and import the CSV configuration files exported by the fire panel tool.

  1. The RS232/LAN converter is installed and configured to communicate via serial line with the fire panel, and via LAN with the adapter.
  2. The CSV configuration files are available locally or over the network.
  1. To create a new server, select the Servers node and then select Add.
  2. The Add Server dialog box displays.
  3. Configure Name, IP Address and Port to access the converter.
  4. Select Apply.
  5. The new server displays under the Servers node.
  6. On the top right of the page, select Save.
  7. A green pop-up displays to confirm that the new adapter configuration is loaded.
  8. To modify the server parameters, in the list, select the server node, change the parameters as necessary and select Apply and then Save.
  9. From the server node, select Browse files and import the fire panel configuration (a CSV file).
    Alternatively, you drag the CSV file on the command frame.
  10. The fire objects are imported and display under the server node.
  11. Select Apply.
  12. Repeat the steps above to configure more servers and import the configuration of the connected fire panels, as necessary.
  13. Select Save.