Run the Network Scan


Restriction that applies when running the device discovery

Only standard BACnet objects are supported. Proprietary object and object extensions are lost.

  1. In System Browser, select Project > Field Networks > [Network name].
  2. Select the Discovery tab.
  3. Open the Hierarchies Mapping expander.
  4. Select the logical hierarchy and drag the top node to the column Import this hierarchy under this node.
  5. Click Save .
  6. Open the Discovery Settings expander.
  7. In the Scan timeout in seconds field, set the maximum time for scanning devices (the default value is 60 seconds).
    NOTE: If the Enable auto-discovery of devices option is selected, the scanned devices are immediately imported into the project database.
  8. Select and configure one of the following filter options.
    NOTE: The discovery function scans the entire BACnet network for BACnet devices. To avoid impairing the network unnecessarily, it is recommended to apply one of the available filters.
    • Use network filter and enter the Network number filter.
    • Use instance filter and enter the Beginning instance and Ending instance (object-identifier).
    • Use vendor filter and enter a Vendor ID.
      NOTE: The ESMI vendor identifier is Schneider Electric 10.
  9. Click Save .
  10. Click Scan.
  1. While devices are discovered, in the Network Scan section of the Device Discovery expander, the Library column will display the Family:SubFamilyName of the discovery rules, whose library will be used to create the instances. In this case, ESMI.
    NOTE: To stop the network scan, clear all check boxes, and click Save .