Add CC11/CI11 Fire Panels

Repeat this procedure for all the CS11/CI11 panels you want to add.

  1. In System Browser, select Project > Field Networks > [BACnet Network] > [CS11].
  2. In the CS11 tab, click New and select New CC11/CI11.
  3. In the New Object dialog box, enter a name and description, and the Instance number: the BACnet Device Identifier.
  4. Click OK.
  5. The newly created CC11/CI11 is automatically selected in System Browser.
  6. In the Configuration expander, enter the following parameters:
    • Instance number: the BACnet Device Identifier.
    • Local address: CC11/CI11 address, as configured in the fire system.
      NOTE: Valid values are: 111 to 118, 121 to 128, 131 to 138, 141 to 148, 211 to 218, 221 to 228, 231 to 238, 241 to 248 (default: 111).
    • Vitality check enabled: automatically selected.
      NOTE: Enabling the vitality check is mandatory, to correctly diagnose communication problems.
    • Vitality timeout (sec): the maximum tolerated delay of the heartbeat message sent by the Gateway name (30 to 999 seconds; default: 50).
      NOTE: The vitality timeout must be greater than the heartbeat message interval.
    • Ack mode: Always general ACK (a single acknowledgement command affects all pending events) or Single event ACK (a separate acknowledgement command is required for each pending event).
  7. Click Save .