Edit an Object Model from an Online IEC61850 Device
- System Browser is in the Management View.
- An IEC61850 device is connected to your system.
- In the System Browser, select the IEC61850 network and thereafter select the Device Connection object.
- The details of the selected object such as name, description, IP address, and TCP port display in the Device Connection expander in the IEC61850 tab.
- Expand the Browse expander.
- Navigate to IEC61850 libraries and drag the object model to the Selected Properties section in the Browse expander.
- The properties of the selected object model display in the Selected properties section.
- In the IEC Objects section, click Discover elements.
- The information of the IEC61850 device objects and their associated properties displays in a tree structure in the IEC objects list.
- To add a new property, do the following:
- Drag the leaf node associated with the required property to the appropriate folder in the Selected Properties section.
- Specify a name and direction for the newly added property and click Update object model.
- The property is added to the selected object model.
- To delete an existing property, navigate to the property and click .
- The property is removed from the object model.
When updating the object model ensure that the newly added property must be of the same device.
For a new property that is added to the existing Object Model, the address is not automatically assigned. You have to re-import the CSV of the existing device to reflect the address configuration.