Add the Scripts and IBase Extensions to the Project

  1. You have launched System Management Console (SMC).
  2. The project to which you want to add the IBase extension module is upgraded and stopped.
  1. In the SMC tree, select the Projects > [project].
  2. Click Add to Project .
  3. The Select Project Extensions dialog box displays.
  4. Expand the Standard Modules extension suite and select both Scripts and IBase.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Save .
  7. The Scripts and IBase extension modules are added to the selected project.
  8. The following files are added to the disk path [Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\[Project Name]\libraries\Global_IBase_HQ_1\Scripts\ :
    - IBaseScript.js
    - IBaseConfigurationScript.json
    - IBaseHelperScript.js
    - IBaseSampleConfiguration.json.
  9. The following preconfigured reaction is added: Applications > Logics > Reactions > System Information > Timing.
  10. Start the software to begin working with IBase.