Create the Subsystem-Specific IBaseConfigurationScript.json File

  1. The IBaseSampleConfiguration.json file is available under
    [Installation Drive]:\[Installation Folder]\[Project Name]\libraries\Global_IBase_HQ_1\Scripts.
  2. You obtained the subsystem-specific configuration details that you want to add in the IBaseConfigurationScript.json file including their networks, drivers, and devices along with their properties.
  1. Save a local copy of the IBaseSampleConfiguration.json file on the disk and rename it IBaseConfigurationScript.json.
    You must rename the configuration file so that the IBase Script, when executed, can identify the configuration file and include it when generating the IBase report.
  2. Open the file in a JavaScript editor.
  3. Add the following configuration details, adhering to the sample structure provided. Make sure that the parent Object Model name is provided, wherever indicated.
    • Network containing Object Model and its properties
    • Driver containing Object Model, its properties and the parent OM
    • Device containing Object Model, its properties and the parent OM
  4. Save the file.