Format the Numeric Command Control Properties

Scenario: You have created a numeric command control, and you want to format the control properties:

  1. To format the command control Text properties, do the following:
    • Font Family: From the drop-down menu, select a font to determine the command control text font. The default Font Family is Arial.
    • Font Size: Type a number to determine the font size. Default Font Size is 14.
    • Precision: Use the UP and DOWN buttons to determine the number of decimal places that display when the value is rounded. The default is blank.
  2. To format the command control Colors properties, do the following:
    • Background: Type the name of a color for the background.
    • Fill: Type the name of a color for the command control outline.
    • Stroke: Type a name of a color for the command control characters.
  3. Click Save As .
  4. If you created a symbol and you want to designate it as the default command symbol for an object type proceed to Designating and Adding a Default Command Symbol to a Graphic.