Install Server with Advanced Reporting BIRT Extension

  1. When the Advanced Reporting extension is installed, the prerequisite Advanced Reporting BIRT extension is installed with following default settings:
    • The installation path is “$SystemDrive\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 10.1”.
    • The default connection port assigned to the Tomcat server is 18080 (if the default connection port is in use, the next available free port is assigned to Tomcat).
    • The LocaleName is set according to the current Regional settings. To verify the Regional settings, navigate to Control panel > Region > Administrative.
  2. After successful installation of the Server, check that the Apache Tomcat service is running in the Services window, otherwise manually start it.
  3. Check the port value in the Birt_Installer_[yyyymmdd-hhmmss].txt log file located at C:\ProgramData\Siemens\GMS\InstallerFramework\GMS_Prerequisites_Install_Log to confirm the port assigned to Tomcat. A different port value is auto-assigned in case a default value (18080) is already used.
  4. Manually set this auto-assigned Tomcat port number (other than the default port number) in the Url field, in the SMC when creating Advanced Reporting web application.

There is no support for remote Tomcat Server for Advanced Reporting.