Import a DWG or DXF AutoCAD Drawing


Importing of 2D DWFx files is supported on installed clients, as well as from the Web Server and Remote Server clients. However, AutoCAD conversion of 2D DWG and DXF drawings are only possible on installed clients; conversion is not possible from the Web Server and Remote Server clients.

  1. You are in Design or Test mode, and want to convert a 2D DWG or DXF AutoCAD drawing to an XPS element that you can import into a graphic.
  1. Select Home > Elements group, and then click Import AutoCAD and XML Image File .
  2. In the Open dialog box, select the file you want to convert, and then click Open.
  3. The AutoCAD file opens in the AutoCAD Importer window. By default, the Model tab is active and displays.
  4. Select the tab that has the drawing/layout you want to import. During the Save operation, the drawing in the active tab is saved and imported.
  5. (Optional) If you have no customizations or have completed customization of the drawing, and you want to crop the drawing in the Model tab before saving the drawing, see (Optional) Crop a Drawing.
  6. If you have no changes to make to the AutoCAD file, proceed to Import and Save the Modified Drawing.