Copy the Rotating Graphics Display Profile Text

  1. Copy the text from the appropriate topic below, depending on the configuration of your Rotating Graphics display:
    • Profile Text: Display All – This profile displays all the graphics and viewports in the user’s Application View > Graphics folder.
    • Profile Text: Display Customized Set of Graphics – This profile allows you to display a customized set of graphics and viewports in the rotation. When you configure this file, each designation must be listed in the Rotating Graphics profile.
  2. Open a new file in your text editor of choice and paste the copied text.
  3. In the text editor, click the Save As option.
  4. In the Save As dialog box do the following:
    a. Navigate to <YourProject> \ Profiles folder.
    b. From the Save as type dropdown menu, depending on your text editor select: All Files (*.*) or All Types (*.*).
    Enter a File name for the Rotating Graphics display with the extension “.LDL”.
    For example: RotatingGraphic.LDL
  5. Click Save and leave the .LDL file open.