Configure the Rotating Graphics Display Profile

  1. The Rotating Graphics profile (.LDL) you created in the last procedure is open in your text editor.
  2. Refer to the Rotating Graphics Key-Value Table for more information on each key-value pair setting.
  1. Leave the EnableRotatingKiosk option value set to True.
  2. For the DefaultIntervalForKioskmode Key – Type a value in seconds to specify the length of time a graphic displays before moving to the next graphic.
  3. For the KioskAutoRestart key – If set to True, this enables an automatic restart of the rotating graphic display if it is paused by a user during runtime.
  4. KioskAutoRestartInterval – Type a value in seconds for the amount of time after which a paused graphic rotation resumes. Only applicable if the KioskAutoRestart is enabled.
  5. If you copied the Display All profile, save your changes and close the Rotating Graphics profile (.LDL) and proceed to: 4 – Set the Favorite Graphic and Associate the User to the Profile.
  6. If you copied the Display Customized Set of Graphics profile text, proceed to the next procedure in the workflow to add the customized graphics to the Rotating Graphics profile: 3 – Add Graphics to Customized Rotation Display.