Create a New Station Group for Anonymous Web Clients

  1. System Manager is in Engineering mode.
  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  2. Select Project > System Settings > Security.
  3. Click the Security tab.
  4. Click New .
  5. In the New Group dialog box:
    a. In the Group type field, select Management Station.
    b. Enter a group name. The name must be unique.
    c. Click OK.
  6. In the Group Configuration expander, enter the description Anonymous Web Client for the group in the Group information field.
  7. In the Scope Rights expander, enter the scope rights.
    NOTE: Do not define full access rights for the anonymous web client.
  8. In the Event Rights expander, select the event rights check boxes.
  9. Select the Configured Management Stations expander, and then select Web Client and drag it into the Management Station Members column.
    NOTE: The Enabled check box is for display only. It shows whether a station is currently enabled. Enabling/disabling a station is done by selecting the station in System Browser and executing the corresponding command in the Extended Operation tab.
  10. Click Save .
  1. An anonymous web client management station group is created.