Create and Start the S7 PLUS Driver

  1. In System Browser, select Management View.
  2. Select Project > Management System > Servers > Main Server > Drivers.
  3. Object Configurator displays.
  4. Click New Object and select New GMS S7 PLUS DRIVER.
  5. When the Create New Object dialog box displays, the Child type is pre-defined to GMS S7 PLUS DRIVER, and the Name and Description fields are pre-defined to S7 PLUSDriver_n and S7 Plus Driver n respectively, where 'n' represents the count of the number of drivers in the system.
  6. Click OK.
  7. The new S7 Plus driver object appears in the System Browser below the Drivers node.
  8. Select the S7 Plus Driver node.
  9. Select the Extended Operation tab and navigate to the Manager Status property.
  10. Click Start to start the driver. You may need to enlarge the pane to access the buttons that are located on the right side of the pane.
  1. The Manager Status property changes to Started to indicate the the driver has started.

In order to delete the S7 PLUS Driver, you must first delete all the S7 PLUS networks attached to the driver. Once you delete the respective networks, you can delete the driver by selecting the Object Configurator tab and clicking Delete .