Start the Flex Client with the OpenID User Account

  1. Enter the project Flex Client URL in the browser.
  2. From the Flex Client login pane, in the Username field, enter the OpenID user account email name. Click Next.
  3. Depending on the connection used, Desigo CC navigates you to the authentication page of the Identity Provider.
    NOTE: If you have been authenticated by the Identity Provider on that host before, this authentication step is skipped. In this case, the Desigo CC server and the Identity Provider exchange tokens and provide access. This scenario is also known as Single Sign-On (SSO).
  4. Log in to the Identity Provider.
  5. You are logged into Desigo CC depending on the authentication results.
  6. When you log out of the Flex client, you are logged out from Desigo CC and the Identity Provider. If the client workstation the Flex client is connected to is marked as “Privately used” then logging off from the Flex client only performs a logoff from the Flex client and not the Identity Provider.

    NOTE: With Desigo CC version 6.0, when you log in to the Flex Client application using an Identity Provider, you must log out of the Flex client and the Identity Provider independently. However, if you are logged in to the Flex client with MyId (Siemens ID) via Auth0, then a single logoff from the Flex client applies to both the Flex client and the Identity Provider.

    NOTE: We recommend that you clear both the history and cache in the browser and close the browser instance after you log off from the Flex Client.