The device is defined using the following fields (strictly in this order).

Modbus Device Data




Name of the connection to which the device is connected. It must be the same as the ConnectionName of the where this device should be connected.
NOTE: The Importer will reject this device entry if this field is empty.


Name of the Modbus device instance. The naming rules are similar to those for InterfaceName, that is, no spaces or special characters.
NOTE: The Importer will reject this device entry if this field is empty or duplicated in the same CSV file. The Importer will also reject the entry if it finds another device already connected to the same parent interface.
There can only be one device under one interface. The Importer will issue an error if there is more than one device under the same interface.
At the time of re-import, if the same device is already attached to the parent interface, then the Importer simply updates the device.


Description of the Modbus device instance as it will appear in System Browser (Management View).
NOTE: The Importer will reject this device entry if this field is empty.


Object Model of the device if it is a custom device.
NOTE: You must define and import an object model in the system before you can use this field. The Importer rejects the device entry only when this field is invalid, but not when the field is empty.
If this field is present, then the Importer assumes that there are no points defined in the CSV file under this device. If the CSV file contains any point which targets this device, then those points are rejected, even if the configured object model is invalid.


AddressProfile associated with the object model.


Alias assigned to the Modbus device.


Name of the function to which the device is associated with.


Discipline to which the device is associated.


Subdiscipline to which the device is associated.


Type of the Modbus device.


Subtype of the Modbus device.


Logical Hierarchy of the device in the logical view. The logical hierarchy path in the CSV file must start and end with a backslash (\).
Syntax:[Delimiter]<Level1>[Delimiter]<Level2> [Delimiter]…[Delimiter]<Level-n>[Delimiter]
Example: \BuildingA\Floor3\Room403\
The importer automatically adds the device to the logical hierarchy path after the last delimiter and thereafter adds this hierarchy to the root node of the Logical View in the System Browser.
So, for example, for a device “Meter403_11” associated with the hierarchy path “BuildingA\Floor3\Room403\”, the logical hierarchy as displayed in the System Browser will be the following:
<Logical Hierarchy Root Node>\BuildingA\Floor3\Room403\Meter403_11


User hierarchy of the device in the user-defined view. The user hierarchy path in the CSV file must start and end with a backslash (\).
Syntax:[Delimiter]<Level1>[Delimiter]<Level2> [Delimiter]…[Delimiter]<Level-n>[Delimiter]
Example: \BuildingA\Floor3\Room403\
The importer automatically adds the device to the user hierarchy path after the last delimiter and thereafter adds this hierarchy to the root node of the user hierarchy in the System Browser.
So, for example, for a device “Meter403_11” associated with the hierarchy path “\BuildingA\Floor3\Room403\”, the user hierarchy as displayed in the System Browser will be the following:
<User Hierarchy Root Node>\BuildingA\Floor3\Room403\Meter403_11


Indicates Mandatory Field